Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Relatived Outsources

Words are 7% effective
Tone of voice is 38% effective
Non-verbal clues are 55% effective.
Non-verbal clues (body language, emotion, and other connections such as similarities or differences between people)
“WHAT you say is not nearly as important as HOW you say it!”

From the website: http://www.itstime.com/aug97.htm

Group Meeting Minutes of July 3d, 2007

Group 3

Meeting Minutes

Date: Tuesday, July 3d, 2007

Time: 20:00 to 21:00

Present: Abdullah Al-Muhaidib, HyunJoo Cho, Ying
Jiang, Haizhi Luo, Marie-Claude Blanchet

Absent: Avni Shah

Apologies: None

Discussion and Suggestions:

  • Avni did not do her summary. We have proceeded to separate
    the tasks as if she was no longer part of the group. We will make arrangements
    if she reappears.

  • We must all make sure we get at least one outside source
    for each sub-section, and in fact 2 would be better.

  • We will each e-mail our chapter notes to the rest of the

  • Abdullah presented his summary of part one of chapter 3,
    Listening in the Workforce.

Motions and Assignments:

1) Everyone e-mail your work:

  • Ying: by Wednesday at 4:00 pm.

  • Abdullah: by Wednesday at 12:00 (noon).

  • Haizhi: by Wednesday at 2:00 pm.

  • HyunJoo: by Wednesday at 4:00 pm.

  • Marie-Claude Blanchet: by Friday at 12:00 (midnight). And
    minutes will be sent out by Wednesday at 12:00 (midnight).

2) We have decided on only 10 sub-topics, 2 per person.
The following are the titles of each section:

  1. Poor Listening Habits (Abdullah)

  2. Different Kinds of Listening in the Workforce (Abdullah)

  3. The Listening Process (Haizhi)

  4. Listening Barriers (Haizhi)

  5. 10 Keys to Building Listening Skills (Ying)

  6. Checklist for Improving Listening (Ying)

  7. Functions of Non-Verbal Communication (HyunJoo)

  8. Forms of Non-Verbal Communication (HyunJoo)

  9. Non-Verbal Communication Techniques (Marie-Claude)

  10. Sending Positive Non-Verbal Signals (Marie-Claude)

Next Meeting :

Date: Thursday July 5th, 2007

Time: 20:00 to 21:00

Place: In class, FG-B080

Phone: Abdullah: 514-569-6666

Marie-Claude: 514-426-1367